Erasmus Project: “European Mobility in the Manufacturing Sector- EuMoMa 4.0
ID: 2019-1-IT01-KA102-007182; CUP: G45G19000030006

Fondazione Enaip Lombardia is the leader partner of the project and of the consortium composed also by Enfapi, Afol Meda, Istituto Meroni di Lissone and Istituto Statale di Istruzione Superiore Cipriano Facchinetti di Castellanza. 
The project involves also European partners as Sagitter Training in Dublin and Barcelona, and Esmovia Training and Mobility in Valencia and it aims to the realization of professional internships abroad, an improvement of linguistic competences,the possibility to discover local culture thanks to the accommodation in families and to guided tours organized by the partnership. The project, which was approved, financed and started in 2019, was also has been extended until the end of August 2022, due to pandemic situation.

The main target of beneficiaries are:

- students from the III and IV year of the VET centres which are attending the following courses: wood and design sector, electrician and mechanical one who took part in professional internship in their specific sector (for 1 month);

- neo-graduates who took part in professional internship in Dublin for 6 months;

- trainers from the same sectors (wood and design, eletrician and mechanical one) who took part to a job shadowing in sector companies (for 5 days).

Enaip Lombardia is committed to compete in participating in these European projects to achieve even higher goals in the personal and professional growth of its students. In fact, the experience abroad during the mobility abroad is able to favor: 

  • knowledge of cultural and professional European context to facilitate the transition and integration between training and productive systems; 
  • the acquisition of competences as: education of active citizenship in Europe, linguistic improvement, development of responsability and organizational autonomy;
  • the acquisition of professional competences required by European labout market, with particular references to the language skills and customer relationship skills;  
  • the development of the European training network for the implementation of a system of recognition and evaluation of the learnign outcomes. 
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